There is little that needs to be added to the text of this work, although at times it has been difficult to know what to include and what to leave out. It is very tempting to try to work out the genealogy of families that are not related directly to ours merely because we have gathered so much information not eventually needed for our own purposes. Any reference to a Daggett was noted down and the sifting process took place at a later date, so that many facts were found to be irrelevant. It is quite impossible to collect only the details that one wants ~ indeed, limiting the scope of the enquiry at too early a stage can easily miss quite vital data.

      Our own copy of this History includes a number of original family photos and snapshots of some of the places referred to. The cost of reproducing them - from about 40p each upwards - completely rules out their inclusion in copies for general distribution, but they could be obtained at cost price on special request. A separate list of these is being prepared.

      The format of this report is far from ideal. Apart from typing errors and other slips that may have crept in, in spite of many checks, the duplicated sheet is vastly inferior to a professionally printed edition. Furthermore, it has been impossible to get inexpensive loose-leaf binders that would hold the text in one volume and so it has been necessary to split it into two. The loose-leaf system has been adopted so that later alterations can be inserted. The aim was to produce about twenty copies of a legible account at a reasonably low cost, and this has been achieved.

      I hope you will find it interesting; that you will let me know of any corrections or additions needed; and that you will eventually pass this copy on to some younger generation who may, one day, feel disposed to check our findings or to delve more deeply into matters that we have had to treat superficially. Also, I hope that the Daggett History will be kept up-to-date with new events as they occur.

      Apart from information supplied by my relatives and some correspondence left by my parents, I am deeply indebted to John Douglas Daggett (who does not appear to be related to me) for his help in making this narrative possible. He has supplied much data that I might have missed and he has also suggested certain lines of investigation that have proved fruitful.


      In addition I have to acknowledge the use of the following sources, most of which we have visited during the course of our research and where we have invariably found the staff to be most helpful :-

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 Littlehampton, West Sussex.

 January 1986.


Chapter 1

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